Michael and Peter Moogan, brothers who exchanged heart-warming messages on #Encrochat
Gang brothers and 'England footballer lookalike' among Brit dealers busted by #Encro hack #Encrochat
Professional footballer and businesswoman's secret life as #Encrochat gang's accountant
#Encrochat 'Career criminal' from Luton sentenced to 10 more years behind bars for drug dealing
#Encrochat News : Ringleaders from multi-million pound Bucks drug gang given lengthy jail sentences
'Banker' dad known on #Encrochat as 'Kun Aguero' paid £200-per-drop for £2million cocaine gang
LedZeppelin Encro user Stephen Canty now 'living overseas'
Complaints that NCA failed in duty of candour over EncroChat warrants ‘incredible’, court hears
Terence Page traded in huge quantities of class A and B substances on EncroChat
Liam McHale trafficked millions of pounds of drugs under the #Encrochat name "Lawless Fly".
#Encrochat smuggler Anthony Bowden was a key member of a major gang run led by "Jabba the Hutt"
#Encrochat Cocaine "broker" John Cass was involved in the supply of more than £400,000 of drugs
Philip Read, who used the EncroChat handle "EducatedGoose", hid 12 kilos of heroin in a bedroom
Jacob Bullen, who stashed £10,000 of high purity cocaine in a fridge, was exposed as EncroChat user
Peter Ginley was a member of a large criminal network using #Encrochat
Wesley Kavanagh was busted over messages from an EncroChat device
Secret drug plots of #Encrochat ' John Southern went by the handle "BigDunc".
#Encrochat: Ryan Palin, of Mereworth, Caldy, was charged with conspiracy to supply Class A drugs
#Encrochat: Iain Harper was one of eight people sentenced at Aylesbury Crown Court on Friday
#Encrochat Operation Venetic: Two men arrested in investigation linked to the recovery of £1.6m