The European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson is presenting legislation that would require online service providers to automatically and indiscriminately monitor digital communications and data for potential child sexual exploitation material and automatically report suspicious users to law enforcement authorities.
This legislation would potentially subject private communications of European citizens to mass surveillance, while perpetrators could continue to use tools such as closed forums, self-hosted platforms and P2P networks without risking detection.
Such plans for mass monitoring of communication content could greatly reduce people’s trust in the security of online communication.
This legislation could significantly interfere with the fundamental rights of the entire European population and establish a potentially very damaging surveillance infrastructure.
It might mean a de facto end to electronic secrecy of correspondence and telecommunications, since these measures could only be implemented by building a comprehensive technical infrastructure that is prone to errors and abuse.
CEPIS proposes that, instead of relying on a technical solution that would enable surveillance on a massive scale, the European Commission should focus on measures such as prevention and victim protection.
Byron Nicolaides, CEPIS President, said: “We all consider the safety, both online and offline, of our children, of utmost importance. However, the potential damage to Europe’s trust in digital communications outweighs the possibility of success of surveillance measures in combatting child abuse online, since criminals are very adept at finding ways to evade surveillance. Furthermore, protected communication for children and the surveillance of chat content cannot be technically reconciled. Only effective end-to-end encryption effectively protects the confidentiality of communications.”
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Rule number 1 ☝🏼:
EncroChat evidences has been collected from the storage on the devices seized . A real military grade encryption device can’t be ever accessed by any digital forensic tools such as Cellebrite.
Rule number 2 :
Never 👎 use encryption services that are server based . Servers can be hacked easily and all data passing through them can be intercept. Servers also store the messages so that also this cloud based storage can be accessed and used as evidence.
Rule number 3:
Never , ⛔️ ever trust their party encryption services. The moment you trust a third party for generating your encryption keys, manage and store them for you , it’s game over . It’s like giving the keys of your bank vault to a total stranger .
Rule number 4 :
Stop 🛑 trusting cheap online encrypted phone suppliers! ⚠️ The garbage online are fake encrypted phones based on a $ 50 USD cheap Android cellphone bought in China and installed with a very low level security end to end encrypted messaging app.
Work like a pro, like intelligence agencies do ! Stop being scammed by online marketers selling you security illusions .
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